2023 report

BEOS in figures

as of 12/2023
Transparency / Performance
0 billion EUR
total volume of assets under management (based on gross fund assets).
0 %
dividend yields on shareholder equity (after expenses and fees) from CREFG funds since their inception.
0 billion EUR
of completed project developments since 2002.
0 EUR/sqm
ø rent for mixed-use properties in our preferred locations. 1)
  1. These include the Top 7 cities and their growth regions throughout Germany, as well as markets we have selected throughout Europe, such as the Netherlands and Austria
Community / Participation
“Forward thinkers” in 6 branches.
tenants from a wide range of sectors ensure a strongly diversified tenant base across the BEOS portfolio.
1: 0
Project managers to projects. 77 project managers handle 169 projects.
Approx. 0 %
of all tenants in the BEOS portfolio renew their leases.
Spaces / Location
0 million sqm
of land under management.
0 %
of the properties are in the Top 7 locations in Germany.
0 million sqm
of lettable space under management.
properties are under BEOS management. 1)
  1. BEOS AG Berlin: 21 properties; Frankfurt am Main branch: 23 properties; Hamburg branch: 42 properties; Stuttgart branch: 22 properties; Rhine-Ruhr branch: 31 properties; Munich branch: 30 properties